Ulavi is a village situated in Uttar Kannada of Karnataka state. This place is one of the best places to visit in Dandeli. This village is located at a distance of 71 kilometers from Karwar, and from Dandeli, the distance is 47 kilometers. Ulavi is a very beautiful village, appears amidst the Western Ghats, and it lies amid Karwar and Dandeli. This village is one of the significant religious places in Karnataka for the Lingayat and also considered as one of the top sites in Dandeli.
Ulavi is a mandatory place to visit in DANDELI TOUR PACKAGE. Besides all the religious significances, there are numerous caves and shapely stalactites, here in Ulavi. Some of the famous caves of Ulavi include; Aakalu Gavi, Mahamane Gavi, Panchalingeshwara, and VibhoothiMantapa. The Kodathalli falls is another attraction of Ulavi village that has a height of 50 feet. For these surrounding places, Ulavi is popular among Dandeli places to visit.
Shri Channabasavanna temple Ulavi Karnataka
Shri Channabasavanna temple is one of the significant pilgrimage centres of Karnataka state, particularly for the Lingayat community. Situated in Dandeli Karnataka, the Channabasavanna temple appears amid the dense forest of the Western Ghats. The Samadhi of Channabasavanna, who is considered as one of the most worshipped saints of the Lingayat community, exists here in this temple. In the 12th century, Channabasavanna arrived in Ulavi from Kalyana before his death. There is a cave situated very close to this samadhi, known as AkkaNagalambike cave. This cave was named by the name of Channabasavanna’s mother and sister. Initially, this temple was made in Chalukyan style, but later it was renovated and colored. Dense forests surround this temple, and the landscape is adorned by the Western Ghats. The Shri Channabasavanna temple is considered one of the most sacred places of DANDELI TRIP.
Ulavi Jatra
During the Ulavi Jatra, numerous pilgrims gather at the Ulavi temple from all across Karnataka. Ulavi Jatra is observed in Magh month in every year. This festival is considered as Ulavi Jatra. Usually, this Jatra is organized in February month. The Ulavi Jatra attracts thousands of devotees from all of the world. This festival is celebrated with great pomp every year. For this festival, Ulavi is considered as a popular place among Dandeli tourism.